About Us

Hi, I am Michael and I graduated from the Electronics Engineering Technology Cooperative program offered by Fanshawe College in my home town, London, ON Canada in 1996. I have since been certified as an Applied Science Technologist by O.A.C.E.T.T.
One of my college teachers always emphasized that we should, “Never implement in hardware what you can implement in software.” That expression has stuck with me since and I still abide by that concept whenever possible. With so many devices, machinery, practically everything going digital and becoming more and more automated using software, less and less is being controlled by hardware. (see What is the Internet of Things?
I am passionate about web design. It allows me to be creative. I enjoy working with web design, content writing, and making websites as responsive and dynamic as possible. I also enjoy teaching others to do the same.
I am also passionate about teaching ‘older adults’ how to use their new smartphone, tablet or laptop computer. There is a so called digital divide which is a type of generation gap. I hope to bridge that gap and help digital immigrants using hands-on workshops, one-on-one lessons, and peer-led drop-in sessions.
Prior to getting into web design I was involved in Christian missionary work for 30+ years, and during that time home schooled my seven children.
I have a few home schooling websites, a couple for promoting web design and a couple others for non-profit organizations I am helping at cost. Check out my Portfolio page to get a glimpse of my various websites.
Thank you for visiting! Please Contact me with any question you may have.