Make Money Online using Solo Build It
by Steve Pavlina

Because I have been running successful online businesses for many years, people always ask me how they can achieve a similar level of success. How can I build a high-traffic website? How can I make money online? What do I have to do to quit my day job? Will you mentor me? These questions have always frustrated me.
The problem was that I could not readily teach people to do what I do, at least not the way I do it. I am too old school. I have been using the Internet since 1989, and I built my first income-generating website in 1995. Most of the money I have earned in my life has come from my online businesses. However, my approach has been virtually unteachable. Believe me -- I have tried. After delivering a few workshops on blogging, it became obvious to me that I could not teach this. I was overwhelming people with more information than they could handle. People got excited by the ideas, but they could not implement them. In truth there is just way too much hidden complexity in my approach.
Another frustrating element was watching people who were inspired by my articles 'How to Make Money From Your Blog,' 'How to Build a High-Traffic Website,' and '10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job.' The first article even clearly states that 99 out of 100 people will not be able to do this, but that did not stop people from trying to duplicate (or surpass) my results anyway. Nearly all of them gave up within the first six months. We are talking hundreds of people that I know of. Starting a blog is dead simple these days. Creating a highly profitable, high-traffic website from scratch is very, very hard if you have never done it before.